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How to buy and spot resale flats and create your shortlist

Do you want to jump into the world of resale properties but unsure where to begin? Let's simplify the mysteries of the resale market and making savvy choices can be empowering when armed with the right knowledge. Let's explore how to spot resale flats and leverage the expertise of small brokers to curate a shortlist tailored to your preferences.

Spotting Resale Flats:

1. Observation is Key: Keep a keen eye on neighborhoods where newly constructed buildings are popping up. These areas often house resale flats as investors seek to capitalize on their investments.

2. Online Platforms: Browse online listings on reputable real estate websites. Look for keywords like "resale," "pre-owned," or "ready-to-move-in" to identify potential properties.

3. Physical Exploration: Take a stroll through neighborhoods you're interested in. Look for buildings where lights are off during evenings, indicating unoccupied flats—a telltale sign of resale opportunities.

Working with Small Brokers:

1. Personalized Service: Seek out small brokers who offer personalized service and are motivated to assist you promptly.

2. Local Insights: These brokers often possess intimate knowledge of the area and can guide you to hidden resale gems that may not be listed online.

3. Building Trust: Establish a rapport with your broker by clearly communicating your requirements and budget. Offer to compensate them for their time and effort, ensuring they're incentivized to prioritize your search.

4. Shortlisting Process: Accompany your broker on property visits to get a firsthand feel of each flat. Take note of important factors like natural light, ventilation, and structural integrity.

5. Detailed Assessment: Don't hesitate to ask questions and conduct a thorough assessment of each property. Look for signs of wear and tear, water damage, or structural issues that may impact your decision.

By leveraging the expertise of small brokers and honing your observation skills, you can spot resale flats that align with your preferences and budget. Small brokers often have cash flow issues, one easy way to build trust and relationship is to pay them for every 5 - 10 flats that they show you. Remember, patience is key in the resale market, and thorough research will ultimately lead you to your ideal property.

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