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What is Holistic Living

Holistic living is listening to your whole self and doing the best body, mind, and spirit methods to get your body into balance. Diseases are rooted in lifestyle choices. Learning what methods are best for getting the body in balance in order to prevent rather than treat disease is far more beneficial than trying to use treatments that may cause more harm than good.

What does health mean to you and how is your lifestyle impacting it? Health is multidimensional, it is every layer of our being. How do you want to feel? How would you describe your home environment like, is it organized and peaceful or do you prefer it to be bright and energetic? What sparks passion inside you? Are you able to take time to have fun and relaxing moments? I really enjoy cooking new foods, going for walks in nature, painting. Trying new things like getting into a new sport or club is also a good example of making time for fun.

Do you have healthy social connections, like a game night, volunteering, or any kind of spiritual group you meet with on a regular basis? Are things like meditating, breathing exercises, or maybe have a gratitude journal more relaxing and insightful for you? Health is bio-individual, do you know what foods make you feel good and which ones may be causing some underlying issues? Have you found some exercises that help you relieve stress and exercises that help you feel energized and vibrant? The key is to find what is best for you, think of it as a fun journey in learning about yourself and how you feel with new things you try, rather than a daunting to do list, as we cannot stress and obsess our way to health.

There are many exciting opportunities we can try that we maybe never thought of thought we had time for before. Making ourselves a priority is not selfish, it is a necessity in order to thrive in life. It is almost the weekend, and for me growing up, the weekends meant pancakes. We can still have those nostalgic meals we love, we can make them healthier. I found this great recipe for pancakes I love to use from Shane and Simple. Shane has a wide variety of healthy vegan foods, free from any animal or oil ingredient. I hope you give them a try and I hope you enjoy them!

You can email me at, or ask your questions in the comments below.

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